Russia Ukraine war, page-186284

  1. 42,485 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 509
    technicaly you are correct
    but if the US were not there the Kurds would've been slaughtered by ISIS , Iraq (posibly ) , Assad or the Turks or some combination of the above .
    the US have a token force there ,I think 900 which is there to protect , not kill unless attacked .

    the Kurds are a good people and desreve protection whch they weren't getting from Assad .

    this is what russia went in to Syria to support ......"

    On the 12th Anniversary of the Popular Uprising: A Total of 230,224 Civilians Documented as Dead, including 15,275 Who Died due to Torture, 154,871 Arrested and/or Forcibly Disappeared, and Roughly 14 Million Syrians Displaced",2%2C048%20children%20and%20977%20women.

    it was a russian intercention in an ongoing civil war that would've removed Assad if the russ had not intervened
    as always , supporters of dictatorship and evil

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