"...and opinbions never trump facts..."Well, Jan Stoltenberg,...

  1. 4,560 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 18
    "...and opinbions never trump facts..."
    Well, Jan Stoltenberg, William J Burns and Davyd Arakhamia are all talking about facts.
    Especially Davyd Arakhamia, a person who was actually present at the March/APril 2022 negotiations.
    He mentioned absolutely nothing about a land grab or anything about Russia demanding that Ukraine give up more of it's land.

    Fact is, Russia offered to withdraw it's troops. Coinsidentally, Russia ceased military activity around Kyiv, round about the time that the negotiations were talking place. But I guess that's all just a coincidence, right/ And not a demonstartion of seriousness of intentions.

    Facts are, the head of NATO stated that Russia invaded Ukraine over fears of Russian expansion. His speech is right there on the NATO website, for everyone to see. He stated this September 2023.
    Jan Stoltenberg is at the head of an organisation that has billions at their disposal, a lot of which goes towards intelligence gathering.
    Are you saying that NATO is so incompetent, that they weren't able to gather proof that Russia's ACTUAL intent prior to this war was toa ctually grab more of Ukrainian land?

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