Russia Ukraine war, page-199889

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    If the draft dodgers begin to gather in groups, the veterans will "mop them up so that there will be no room left."

    This was stated by the ex-commander of Aidar Yevhen Dykyi in an interview with Novinarni.

    "Draft dodgers are frightened rats. When they are in a flock, they bite, but they will play to the end that people like me will have to take it into their own hands. We have enough hands, iron, and determination for this. Believe me, we will clean them up, that there will be no space left," he said and answered in the affirmative to the clarifying question of the presenter that we are talking about veterans.

    Earlier, the commander of the 118th brigade of the Territorial Defense Stuzhenko said that for refusing to get out of the car at the request of the military commissar, it is necessary to "shoot through the knee", since "tough mobilization" is necessary.

    Recall that yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers approved a new bill on mobilization and sent it to the Verkhovna Rada.

    The new bill essentially legitimizes electronic summonses, which will be sent through the electronic office of a person liable for military service. At the same time, paper summonses are not excluded, they must be handed over in the traditional way - against signature.

    Also in Ukraine, they are going to mobilize previously convicted.
    Last edited by street professor: 01/02/24
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