"...I have ALWAYS said - Ukrainians get to decide - they are...

  1. 4,560 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 18
    "...I have ALWAYS said - Ukrainians get to decide - they are defending their homeland..."
    Really? So what happened with the March/April 2022 negotiations then, which were sabotaged by US/UK/NATO?
    Did Zelensky put the terms of those negotiations to a vote among Ukrainian people? Did Zelensky let the Ukrainians decide, whether to plunge the country into a multi-year devastating war, or agree to neutrality and non-alignment with NATO and keep living in peace?
    Nope. Zelensky didn't do that.
    So it's not the Ukrainian people that chose this war. It's Zelensky's government, encouraged and motivated by his NATO "buddies", that are slowly but surely abandoning Ukraine.

    "...show me any other country stealing land from another country ...."
    There's a war happening, buddy. You can't fight a war without taking land.

    Whatever territories Russia annexed - is the price that the Ukrainian government had to pay for ignoring Russia's security interests, and embracing NATO. NATO, that is the main reason for this conflict. NATO that sabotaged the March/April 2022 negotiations, which could have ended this whole thing.

    On the side note, NATO members are responsbile for hundreds of military interventions all around the globe, since 1991.
    Sure, they don't take land. But they (some of their members) take control of resources. Oil, gas, opium. Things like that.
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