While Russia possesses some strengths, experts generally agree...

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    While Russia possesses some strengths, experts generally agree that NATO's superior military power, economic strength, and unity would give them a significant advantage in a conventional conflict. This is why direct military confrontation between Russia and NATO is seen as very unlikely, as it would have potentially devastating consequences for Russia.


    NATO Review - The urgent imperative to maintain NATO's nuclear deterrence: https://www.nato.int/docu/review/articles/2023/09/29/the-urgent-imperative-to-maintain-natos-nuclear-deterrence/index.html#:~:text=NATO's%20current%20conventional%20superiority%20against,Russia%2DNATO%20war%20could%20result.
    Avoiding a Long War: U.S. Policy and the Trajectory of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict | RAND - RAND Corporation: https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PEA2510-1.html#:~:text=Third%2C%20Russian%20strategists%20have%20long,of%20a%20war%20with%20NATO%20.

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