Russia Ukraine war, page-209545

  1. 22,846 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    Your binary fixation is paramount to a disease , IMO.
    That is ," if you are not with me, you are against me."

    Im totally against this war because as I've said, ad nauseam , that
    war is the problem; not the solution to international conflict.

    Great Powers use war to resolve conflict just because they can
    rather than revert to the "Rule of Law" and negotiate via the available

    So if you generally favour the use of force to resolve conflict, then try
    using that in your home environment and and in your community

    I comment in this war without barracking for either side (but simply
    stating / restating the state of the war as per the BBC war maps &
    the reason for the war from the perspective of both sides
    (Ukraine wanted to join NATO/EC for economic/security reasons
    & Russia saw that as a threat to Russia's National Security primarily
    by the Ukraine allowing NATO on the Russian border )

    IMO this conflict could have been resolved via negations
    but neither the US, UK, NATO wanted negations but
    rather the inevitable war as predicted by Merkel in 2008.

    But of course if one only sees this war from the point of view of the Ukraine,
    and that "Putin wants to steal land" then that's far from being objective;
    by definition, that's partisan .

    And when this war's killing and maiming is done, the parties will
    have to sit down and negotiate ; something they should have done
    prior to 2022.

    This war is tragedy...that is its a catastrophic loss for both sides
    and those who are barracking its continuance are 'losers' too IMO.

    Ceasefire & Negotiate
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