okay, then can you project into the future and answer me...

  1. 5,358 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 440
    okay, then can you project into the future and answer me this...

    If the west are successful and manage to overthrow Putin and his political regime, what will become of Russia?

    Will its morals, its stoic orthodox religion, its position on homosexuality, gender dysphoria, climate policies, social media restrictions, all remain the same in a traditional sense


    will the then Russia be flooded with western ideology, corruption, division all perpetrated by a western proxy leader of Russia that eventually brings Russia's standard of existence to what the rest of the world will experience.

    Let me be clear, Russia knows what is at stake. They will destroy the world before they let satanical globalists control them. this is why we must tread carefully.

    You keep repeating it was Russia who attacked. let me bring the situation back down to a level that you can relate to. If your neighbour sold his house, and a group of Extremists moved in next door. These Extremists are clever, they do not want to come onto your house and openly take it from you but make no mistake they want your house. You know this to be true. Your dog one day accidently walks into your neighbours land and it is caught by these Extremists and thrown back over your fence gutted. Its guts hanging off a tree in your yard. They then set up speakers and start blasting music every night, then they set up lights and shine them into your bedroom every night. The authorities are unable to do anything about it as they are beholden to a Government who supports Extremists more than your rights. Every week a new pressure by a despicable means is put onto you by your neighbours until one day you go outside and your neighbour is pointing a gun at your face.

    No do you run, give them your house, or do you fight. Lets say you are not a coward and you decide to fight.

    That night, you enter their property with a group of friends and bash your neighbours senseless. You break their speakers, your smash their lights and you point the gun that they pointed at you into their groins and say, if you continue you will come back and kill them all.

    Unfortunately for you, the extremists anticipated that their provocation would cause you to retaliate. The had cameras set up all around their house and captured everything. The extremists then sent this footage to every media outlet they could, and your face and your actions were published all around the Country.

    You are now the Countries most despised person, a racist, attacked and threatened by all groups of people. You lose your job, you lose your wife, your kids disown you. In the end the extremists get your house and most of the Street. They live in your Street and bring it down to the level that you knew they would.

    It is no different to what happened in Ukraine. The Russians had no choice. Putin has always said it is not the Ukrainian peoples fault. It is the fault of the western extremist proxy nations.

    Do I believe that the Russians have a legitimate reason to defend their country, traditions and way of life. Yes I do. Do I believe they are interested in bringing back the Soviet Bloc. No I do not. Would I have supported you or the extremists in your neighbourhood battle.... in case you have not worked it out by now, I would have supported you.

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