Quamera, Honestly do you people ever learn from the past, esp...

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    Quamera, Honestly do you people ever learn from the past, esp the recent past? The USA/NATO/EU is the most efficient and well-practiced lying machine on the planet. Apparently, I "conveniently fail to mention that Russia was "blowing up Childcare centers, Kindergartens, Schools, Universities, Aged care homes, Hospitals" etc

    No I didn't mention it because I don't repeat lies, misinformation, and BS. Remember that girl who said she was a nurse in Kuwait who saw Iraqi soldiers throwing babies out of their incubators and smashing their heads onto concrete floors? Watch her, all tearful and overcome by emotion. She lied. Turns out she was the Kuwaiti ambassador's daughter and the Americans knew she was lying (and more than probably put her up to it). Why? To win support for your agenda. Same in Israel last October. A weeping news woman telling us that Hamas beheaded babies and that Hamas went on a gang rape rampage. No babies were beheaded and from what I can tell if there was a rape (which is extremely doubtful) it was one rape.

    Let's be clear. When Russia invaded Ukraine (because Ukraine threatened Russia with a hostile NATO army on Russia's border (Warfare 101 - never threaten to host an army hostile to your much bigger neighbor and then play the victim. The world will rightly tell you you brought it on yourself) it knew the world was watching and went to extreme lengths to avoid civilian casualties and only targeted militarily significant targets often to the detriment of its own soldiers. America and its allies have always been far less cautious because as I say, they have the world's best-lying machine and consequently kill many more civilians and destroy many more hospitals etc ts than anyone else. And as Wikileaks showed us the killing of non-combatants is sometimes flagrant. That's why they locked Julian Assange up, for daring to tell the truth.

    I have no doubt that Russian bombs did sometimes hit civilians and civilian facilities. But I alsohave no doubt that there were far less of such incidences than if the Americans were the ones invading Ukraine because the Americans have the lying machine to always paper over it and therefore are far less cautious.
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