It is just easier to reply to all of your posts at once, since...

  1. 5,559 Posts.

    It is just easier to reply to all of your posts at once, since they're all the same, they're all wrong.

    The short answer, there was no coup.

    There was a failed attempt by Putin to maintain political control over Ukraine in 2013. Putin has been failing to gain control over Ukraine militarily since.

    Speculative screen shots you could have created yourself are simply not relevant.

    The following section is a continuation of what agreement we have reached so far and furthering that.

    We've established that the catalyst for the change in government was a decision made by Yanukovych, with help from Putin, to abandon the EU association agreement. Not the CIA-Nuland-US.

    Let's move onto the next poor, yet crucial, decision by Yanukovych, to unleash brutal violence against a small gathering of students at Maidan protesting Yanukovych's decision to abandon the EU association agreement. This unnecessary and brutal crackdown turned a significant portion of the Ukrainian population significantly against Yanukovych. The CIA-Nuland-US did not make Yanukovych do this.

    So far we are Yanukovych-Putin at 2 for poor yet critical decisions for their involvement and the CIA-Nuland-US at 0 involvement for the Kremlin "coup" lie.

    I'll give you a chance to formulate a response before we move onto the next point of Yanukovych furthering violence against protestors.

    Now I'll move on to dismantling your "supporting" evidence for why you support the Kremlins "coup" lie and why your opinions simply do not stack up against the actual, real, physical, chronological evidence.

    The first giveaway is a changing story.

    You label 4 different (albeit some related) groups as responsible for a "coup" in Ukraine. An excellent indicator of a fabricated story is a changing story with multiple blame outlets. You blame Ukraine, the CIA, Nuland and the US. You interchange their accountability midway during your arguments. A story based on fact and truth does not change. This is a simple giveaway that your story is unfounded and not tangible to what actually happened.

    You blame Ukraine for an "illegal violent seizure of power". Simply untrue. Firstly, the violence was almost exclusively by the government against protestors, not the other way around as implied by the statement "violent seizure of power". Secondly, the "illegal" situation was created by Yanukovych because he abandoned the presidency and fled Ukraine. Adding to that, the only time the protestors were able to seize any government buildings was AFTER Yanukovych had fled and his security forces melted away knowing their political cover had disappeared with Yanukovych. There were protests across the country yet there were no other seizures of government buildings like Russian forces did in Crimea and east Ukraine with their actual illegal seizure of power.

    You blame the CIA. Simply untrue. Here you have not provided a single shred of evidence to support your claim beyond "just trust me" and the inclusion of unrelated, irrelevant screen shots. A CIA "coup" is simply unfounded conspiracy pushed by the Kremlin.

    You blame Nuland (not a CIA operative by the way). Your evidence to support this is a tapped phone call where she discusses current events, those events being the Maidan protests already well underway thanks to a series of poor decisions by Yanukovych (and Putin) where her deliberations never eventuate. To pin a "coup" on Nuland for this phone call is beyond ineffectual and just parroting of known Kremlin lies and propaganda.

    You blame the US. In conspiracy circles using the "US" to blame for all manner of personal grievances might carry weight however all I see is an inability to prove the Kremlin "coup" lie and resort to quite vague generalisations as to who you believe is responsible in the absence of any actual proof.

    The single reason why I think you choose to believe such obvious Kremlin lies and propaganda that there was a "coup" in Ukraine is so you fee that you have some moral cover for the support you give to Putin's rape, murder and genocide in Ukraine, a way for you to justify that Ukrainians deserve to be raped, murdered and face genocide by the fascist dictator of Russia because they decided to choose their own future. Without this false moral cover you would feel exposed for supporting such naked aggression against Ukraine without :justification", IMO of course.
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