Wrong.Completely and utterly wrong.I asked you a simple...

  1. 4,174 Posts.

    Completely and utterly wrong.

    I asked you a simple question, I have asked you it 5 times. All the rest of the deflection and stalling about who should support what and how it should eventuate are all your stalling that have nothing to do with the question I have asked.

    The reason you won't answer my question is because it means admitting that all these years that you have been demanding that "Ukraine negotiate" were just a smoke screen for your personal wish that Ukraine surrenders. You have been claiming for years that you are "pro peace" and yet you are now absolutely against Ukraine beginning a peace process. Glaringly contradictory on your part.

    Prove me wrong, answer the question.

    I asked you wail you be happy for a negotiated peace on terms acceptable to Ukraine.

    I didn't say on terms unacceptable to Russia, I didn't add in anything about any other pre conditions, requirements, specifics of the negotiations, noting about needing to prove anything, nothing about signatures, nothing about decrees. All of these deflections you introduced in your avoidance of this simple question 5 times already.

    I'll ask my question of you for the 6th time now.

    Will you be happy with a negotiated peace on terms acceptable to Ukraine?
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