And what evidence do you have to say that Sokolov is still...

  1. 1,899 Posts.

    And what evidence do you have to say that Sokolov is still alive?

    Your photo of Sokolov from May 2023 was a sad deliberately misleading attempt to prove he is alive in May 2024.

    Now you have more “proof” that, at least is not a year old photo, is just still not proof of life even if it’s Wiki.

    You just say “trust me bro” yet you have no photo or video evidence of him since his claimed demise? Why can’t you provide any beyond some text? Should be easy.

    It’s YOU making a claim Lucky. Sokolov is claimed as killed, no photos or video of him since. You want me to probe the tooth fairy is real for you?

    No Lucky, I did not give you a date of when Ukraine entered Bucha, you were the one making up dates then trying to pass them off as mine. You said multiple times that Russia's Bucha massacre photo's did not emerge until April 4th despite being corrected with dated evidence from April 1st. Why push that date lie?

    Rhetorical question. We know why.

    You push the fake timetable because you are trying to invent a fake timeline for Russia’s Bucha massacre.

    The conclusive evidence that Russian forces are responsible for heinous war crimes there is beyond doubt for me and other decent intelligent people.

    You have a history of denying crimes against humanity despite irrefutable evidence, continuing that behaviour again with Russia’s Bucha massacre further highlights your callous and brainwashed conspiracy personality issues.

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