It is the height of hypocrisy to constantly cry and complain...

  1. 4,560 Posts.
    It is the height of hypocrisy to constantly cry and complain about a breach of international law in one instance and then support it in another like you do.

    You can't be upset at Nato preventing further Serbian war crimes in the 1990's as a breach of international law and then turn around and support Putin committing war crimes in Ukraine when that is a breach of international law.

    International law might not have bee served against Serbia but international justice certainly was.

    There was not a more deserving recipient than Serbia of Nato's bombing campaign, an arrogant nation with delusions of grandeur who though they could achieve their fascist Greater Serbia fantasy through crimes against humanity and illegal invasions of neighbouring countries. Justice prevailed as we know.

    Thankfully Nato decided to act after almost a decade of Serbian crimes against humanity and genocide to put you back in your Kosovo free little box. Since then, peace, a truly successful humanitarian intervention.

    Serbia's Srebrenica GENOCIDE, one of the many crimes against humanity perpetrated by Serbia during the 1990's that caused Nato to act. Pathetic to watch the Serbian president Sook-ic crying into a Serbian flag now permanently stained with genocide.

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