Born and raised in Australia, it’s my home, it’s my democratic...

  1. 4,296 Posts.

    Born and raised in Australia, it’s my home, it’s my democratic country, my loyalty is to Australia and not to a fascist Russian dictator whose aims go directly against Australias economic and security interests. Can you say the same?

    I can’t verify your own personal “facts” and knowing you you’re not being truthful about them anyway. That is secondary to the fact that I ever asked about them nor am I interested in your own personal “facts”.

    You deserted your fascist homeland when they lost a war they started because they kept perpetrating crimes against humanity, crimes against humanity you deny ever took place, for a better life in the democratic West and you now use that better life the West offered you to try to force, to “fight” as you put it, other people to live under a fascist dictatorship against their will.

    Outstanding bravery there Lucky.

    An example to us all.

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