Russia Ukraine war, page-22493

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1826

    the link @TonEdi supplied suggests Putin's been hurt by being illegitimate, then adopted out.

    See the image, he's showing early signs of not wearing shirts.

    Sad looking child, and a hurt, haunted look remains on his face even today, in moments when he's not putting a face on for the camera.

    Stalin was of Georgian—not Russian—origin, and persistent rumours claim that he was Ossetian on the paternal side. He was the son of a poor cobbler in the provincial Georgian town of Gori in the Caucasus, then an imperial Russian colony. The drunken father savagely beat his son. Speaking only Georgian at home, Joseph learned Russian—which he always spoke with a guttural Georgian accent—while attending the church school at Gori (1888–94). He then moved to the Tiflis Theological Seminary, where he secretly read Karl Marx, the chief theoretician of international Communism, and other forbidden texts, being expelled in 1899 for revolutionary activity, according to the “legend”—or leaving because of ill health, according to his doting mother.

    The mother, a devout washerwoman, had dreamed of her son becoming a priest, but Joseph Dzhugashvili was more ruffianly than clerical in appearance and outlook. He was short, stocky, black-haired, fierce-eyed, with one arm longer than the other, his swarthy face scarred by smallpox contracted in infancy. Physically strong and endowed with prodigious willpower, he early learned to disguise his true feelings and to bide his time; in accordance with the Caucasian blood-feud tradition, he was implacable in plotting long-term revenge against those who offended him.

    ''Hitler's Childhood'' tracks little Adolf from birth for about 11 years while his father, Alois, beats and humiliates him daily. His mother, Klara, grieving for three older children who had died of diphtheria, cooperates in the subjugation of the child, and her hunchbacked sister, Johanna, terrifies him.

    The play is based on ''For Your Own Good,'' a 1983 book by the Swiss psychoanalyst Alice Miller, which argues that the dictator's personality was shaped by emotional and physical abuse in childhood; it adds that one reason he found a following in the 30's is that an abused upbringing was the common lot of German children in the late 19th century.

    Nature vs nurture?

    It's interactive. But each of these dictators would have benefitted by early intervention and social acceptance and love.
    We live with the consequences.
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