just thinking of all the the russian failed strategies...

  1. 37,967 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 501
    just thinking of all the the russian failed strategies .......

    1.Quick victory by taking Kyiv ......Nyet !
    2.Making Europe freeze ......the pro russ here were so sure of that !
    3.That destructive advance in 2022 by russia .....that got wiped out in Kherson and Kharkiv later that year when Ukraine took back ground so quickly .
    4. Russias strategy of stopping the wheat trade ---- fail !
    5. Now the Kharkiv offensive that has stalled .

    I've likely missed some .....oh I forgot the attempts to flood NATO countries with migrants trucked in for the purpose

    the ongoing one is the attempt to destroy Ukrainian energy infrastructure.......can't be called yet ......they have destroyed a lot but more air defense is coming and you'd be foolish to bet against Ukraine .....especially with the aid of neighbours they can import power from
    the test to come this next winter
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