“Russia have been waiting for Ukraine for over 2 years now. This...

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    “Russia have been waiting for Ukraine for over 2 years now. This should have been done in 2022.”

    Firstly Putin never should have invaded in 2014, let alone 2022, so stop crying at the victim for not surrendering to Putins invasion.

    But secondly, I’m not at all sorry for exposing another one of your pro Kremlin propaganda narratives, this time the junk claim that Russia wants peace.

    Here is Russia saying “no peace” for Ukraine and they will continue their war until they accomplish their objectives.

    Said exactly like a nation who is serious about “peace” would say.

    But you do you buddy and keep blaming the victim.

    Life tip for you, the team who abducts and abuses children and then become wanted war criminals for it isn’t the good team.



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