the bit about the US gambit is BS...utter nonsense ....and it is...

  1. 40,596 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 508
    the bit about the US gambit is BS...utter nonsense ....and it is NOT true .....only yur propaganda ....there was no US plotted coup in Ukraine .....the peole chose then , and they have chosen since ......there is NO justification for putin top invade to conquer .

    the bit about the danger of using tactical nukes is actualy real
    I say , danger , because it wouldn't have to escalate to a full on nuclear conflict .....I'm sure the west would not respind initialy with any sort of nuke ....but could happen down the road of russia persisted .

    But putin can not be allowed to be successful in nuclear blackmail .....or it will be repeated .That problem of nuclear b;lackmail just happens again and it looks just like the appeasement of Hitler .

    Nor can putin be allowed to to succeed in conquering Ukraine that also would be repeated elsewhere ....putin made this plain in his Peter the great speech .

    These are the things you try not to look at way or aniother this war is a precedent and allowing putin to have any sort of win is just kicking the can do the road and inviting repetition at a time of putins choosing Ukraine and elsewhere .
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