You tried to justify Putin's barbarity in Ukraine with...

  1. 4,169 Posts.
    You tried to justify Putin's barbarity in Ukraine with whataboutism. I'll repeat this for you since your a little slow at getting a point:

    You following now? I doubt it. Putin is evil, pointing out anyone else who is evil doesn't change that fact, the only reason you are doing it is to excuse and justify the evil Putin is perpetrating in Ukraine right now.

    You accepted the challenge, thought you were clever listing a mixture of US instigated wars and post conflict interventions by the US and even that wasn't enough to match one monstrous act by one Kremlin dictator. And now you're crying about it.

    Your point is you want to blame the victim and everyone else and not the fascist Russian dictator who launched an unjust and unprovoked genocidal war on Ukraine.

    So you think a politician who had a tele[hone call tapped and whose discussions about the hot topic at the time who's deliberations never came true are evidence of an "overthrow"? Takes quite the brainwashed mind to ignore all the poor decisions made by Yanukovych that led to him abandoning the presidency and fleeing to Ukraine. Let me demolish your silly conspiracy.

    Did Nuland cancel the EU association agreement? No. Yanukovych thanks to Putin's bride did.
    Did Nuland order a brutal police crack down on a small gathering of student protestors? No. Yanukovych did.
    Did Nuland escalate violence against protestors which led to an increase in protests? No. Yanukovych did.
    Did Nuland introduce stupid anti protest laws further increasing Ukrainian opposition to Yanukovych? No. Yanukovych did.
    Did Nuland murder hundreds of protestors? No. Yanukovych did.
    Did Nuland help plan Yanukovych's premeditated escape from Ukraine? No. Yanukovych did.
    Did Nuland withhold Yanukovych's whereabouts and keep him uncontactable as he implemented his premeditated escape plan? No. Yanukovych did.
    Did Nuland help Yanukovych escape into Russia after 2 attempts? No. Yanukovych and Putin did.

    But sure, it was Nuland and other politicians who overthrew Yanukovych. You really know your stuff. Too compelling.

    As for US funding of their MIC, it would not have happened if Putin never invaded. You whinge incessantly about Zelensky, all the while avoiding pointing the finger at the actual fascist Russian dictator responsible, so yes that means you are blaming the victim. Brings me back to that point bout people with a moral and ethical deficiency to do that.

    It's your opinion Ukraine can't win. I don't agree. I'll support Ukraine with whatever decision they make.

    The only thing we ca say for certain that Putin will never win. He has no capability to accomplish a single objective militarily, all he is doing is wasting lives, mostly Russian, by continuing his failed war but you have no interest in him ending it, just whinging that Ukraine won't quit defending themselves and crying about the support the West gives them as the problem. It's Putin and people like you who are the problem.

    Nato isn't at fault, the US isn't at fault, keep pretending that you think you know what is going on.
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