"We’ll ignore the other junk Pro Kremlin conspiracy lies you...

  1. 7,189 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    "We’ll ignore the other junk Pro Kremlin conspiracy lies you tried to throw into the conversation to excuse and justify Putin’s genocide in Ukraine"

    I never mentioned anything in regards to the Kremlin relating to Putin and Ukraine. A total lie.

    "You said this:
    "A giant wealth appropriation program using Putin as the bad guy and Ukraine as the victim."

    You missed out a bit. I also said straight after "While both facts may be true". So I have conceded in my first post that Putin may very well be the bad guy. In your former guise as AndyL2880 ()), we discussed Putin many times. Hence what followed was whataboutery to distract from my comments on Ukrainian funding going directly to Military manufacturers established in Ukraine - a point you still haven't addressed

    "You thought you were clever with your list of US interventions until I compared that entire list to one single atrocity by one single Kremlin despot. I made you look silly and now you’re having a cry about it."

    I think you're missing the point. I've never disputed the century long history of Russian wrongdoing. I often wonder why only one European leader tried to fight against the menace at its outset. As for the list of countries, they still stand; the American war machine outlined its plans and rolled out destructive attacks on all the nations I mentioned, including the few you try to remove. There's no crying save for the tears of laughter at your morphing from Andy to Milo ... sad sack that you are!
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