Get a little smarter assklown, I was the one talking about...

  1. 5,165 Posts.
    Get a little smarter assklown, I was the one talking about Putin, it was YOU who introduced the history of the "evil" US as your clueless whatboutism defence. Now you want to whinge that it's unfair that I bring up the factors more evil and barbaric history of the Kremlin whose current genocide you're doing your very pathetic best to justify and excuse.

    Take your ball and go home then sook, it was your argument, your inability to argue your point is not my problem so don't cry to me about it.

    When it came to Syria the US made a choice to try to stop Assad murdering hundreds of thousands of Syrians. Putin had a choice in that, he decided to help Assad murder hundreds of thousands of Syrians. The same Putin whose child abduction and abuse in Ukraine you are trying to whataboutism.

    No mention of the half million innocent Afghanis the Kremlin murdered in their 10 year invasion and occupation of Afghanistan? Or do the victims only count in your hypocritical would when it's the US doing it?

    In the case of Ukraine and Russia it's pretty clear who the good guys are, I'll give you another tip, it's not the fascist Russian dictator who launches an unjust and unprovoked genocidal war on Ukraine and then abducts and abuses Ukrainian children, it's the guys defending themselves and those helping them defend against that. What kind of moral and ethical deficiency it takes to not know that I'll never understand.

    It's Putin who was meant to conquer Ukraine in 3 days but more than 2 years later it's Ukraine losing as you "predicted", what a joke of an assessment. I doubt you could think yourself any smarter if you tried.

    I want Putin to end his war. If he does that everyone wins, the war is over, no one else dies, it's hypocrites like you who are against Putin ending his war.

    Save me your sanctimonious faux moral high horse outrage garbage, you might buy your own bs, I see through pretenders like you.

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