AAK: “Nuland overthrew the Ukrainian government”ME: “Nuland...

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    AAK: “Nuland overthrew the Ukrainian government”

    ME: “Nuland didn’t overthrow the Ukrainian government, that is a long debunked junk Kremlin conspiracy lie that you are parroting”

    AAK: “I never parroted any Kremlin conspiracy”

    ME: “You parroted the Kremlin Nuland coup conspiracy lie”

    AAK: “It might be a Kremlin coup conspiracy lie, I heard it elsewhere so that means I wasn’t parroting the Kremlin coup conspiracy lie when I repeated it”

    Pure comedy gold.

    Pretenders will always be just that.

    Yeah it is clear what happened to those not brainwashed with junk pro Kremlin lies and propaganda garbage, another tip, it wasn’t the junk pro Kremlin coup conspiracy lie you buy into.

    How about Putin ends his war and then the US MIC doesn’t get richer and hundreds of thousands more Russians don’t die for nothing?

    Still crying about the consequences pf Putins war you don’t like but still wont condemn Putin for starting and wont demand Putin end. Screams hypocritical.

    Putin ends his war its a win win for everyone. We will have peace and no one dies and the US MIC doesn’t get richer. Odd that win win is not your priority based on the faux outrage you express.

    I ask you do you think Putin is not the bad guy? You give me awhatsbiutism on US administrations. I say let’s compare the histories of the White House and the Kremlin. You say challenge accepted. You list a random bunch of US interventions in what you think is a clever move. I make a fool of you. You cry it’s not fair I use the Kremlins history to prove my point when you used the US’s history to fail proving yours.

    You think comparing Putin against Biden and Obama, while also mentioning Trump, isn’t discussing previous administrations in your comparison. Genius logic. Makes perfect sense.

    Just looking sad champ.

    So are we going back to comparing the US and Kremlin administrations now that you’re whinging about Obama again who is a couple of US administrations ago?

    Or is this your version of a Putin Biden comparison still?

    Obama didn’t help Assad murder 200k innocent Syrians. Putin did.

    Obama didn’t murder scored of Chechens when Putin invaded and flattened Grozny twice. All Putin there too.

    Obama wasn’t murdering and gaoling opposition figures. That’s Putin.

    Shall we keep going? You want to keep whataboutism-ing Putin’s atrocities in Ukraine with unrelated events?

    Putin abducting and abusing children is evil, trying to excuse and justify Putin by mentioning completely unrelated events just makes you look like an apologist for evil.

    Save up the faux tears champ, you’re going to need them as your pro Kremlin conspiracy version of reality diverges more and more from the real one.

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