"Trying to blame Nuland for "overthrowing" the government in...

  1. 7,191 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 45
    "Trying to blame Nuland for "overthrowing" the government in Ukraine, that is pro Kremlin conspiracy garbage, that garbage conspiracy junk you parroted. You want to deny saying it?"

    The Kremlin may very well have said it, but I heard it elsewhere. I listened to numerous individuals from both American politics and the European union. Pretty clear what happened.

    "Your whinge about the MIC in the US getting richer off Putin's war is who's problem?"

    Funding near certain death in an unwinnable war for the average Ukrainian!

    "I posed a question to you about Putin being the bad guy, you could have just said yes."

    I suggested he was in the very first post you replied to lemonhead. I've said this numerous times. I am horrified at what is happening. If you can't read what I've said, what can I do? My view is that this is lose-lose for Ukraine. Putin was always going to do this if pushed, he warned about it in 2007 and here we are, a total disaster!

    "You didn't compare Putin to Biden, you compared multiple administrations."

    I compared him to individuals, Obama, Biden, Netanyahu and Blair. All of whom I consider evil. Two you will note are not part of any American administration. So essentially, in American terms, I compared him to Biden and Obama. Obama broke all records in his bombing exploits when he was in charge. I don't see why my mentioning that is such a triggering issue for you; Obama detailed it all in his book; he is still an influence in the current administration as we saw the other day as he helped guide Biden (stood as he was in a trance) from a stage.

    "with your little list of US interventions, part of the challenge you accepted, until the facts came that showed the Kremlin regime"

    I'm really not sure why I need to explain to you again that I agree about the evil nature of Russian history this past century. I appreciate it is taxing, but just try and absorb that one fact Milo-Andy.

    "Save the faux tears champ, pretenders will always be just that."

    Tears of laughter for the Andy to Milo switch. 3 days later back on the same channel using the same "faux" garbage.
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