I'm quite certain . I don't think there is any doubt. kushner is...

  1. 4,249 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    I'm quite certain .
    I don't think there is any doubt. kushner is still his minder.
    You guys should know who really runs the show .



    The film The Israel Lobby (2007), created and produced by the Dutch network VPRO, reviews and analyzes the central claims made in the academic paper The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy[A], published in 2006 and written by John J. Mearsheimer, a Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, a Professor of International Relations at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Governance[2]. This paper argues that a powerful lobbyist group operates within the United States that is comprised of “a loose coalition of individuals and organizations that actively work to steer U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction”[3]. The paper posits that this Israel lobby, sometimes called the Jewish lobby, works against the national and strategic interests of the U.S. This is mainly due to some of the interests of Israel being incongruent, or even in direct opposition, with those of the United States, such as military escalations in Iran or Iraq. The latter of which has already led to a full-fledged war that is now unanimously thought of to be one of the worst political decisions made by American leaders in the 21st century.

    In spite of these apparent conflicting interests, politicians in the U.S. still seemingly hark on the lobby’s every proclivity and every bill sponsored by the lobby seems to get passed without pushback or question. In regards to the claim posited in Mearsheimer and Walt’s book that the interests of the Israel lobby are in opposition to those of the U.S, and why politicians continue to support them in spite of it, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, a former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell, said that Mearsheimer and Walt are technically correct, but they are pragmatically wrong in that the U.S. would ever stop supporting Israel due to purely logical reasons, which he says is majorly due to “[…] a very powerful Jewish lobby in America”[1].

    Mearsheimer and Walt argue that this deferential attitude American politicians have toward Israeli interests are largely due to the highly organized and well-funded nature of the lobby. By using campaign funding and ads, promises of reelection, threats of being labeled an antisemite, and through more hidden and illegal methods of gaining political power such as the buying out, spying, and political blackmailing of politicians, the lobby positions itself to be a highly and unnervingly influential force in the overall decision-making processes of the U.S government[2].

    AIPAC, one of the key players in the Israel lobby and an organization that openly calls itself a proxy for the Israeli government, uses its power to afford the Israeli government various boons provided by the U.S., such as approximately $3 billion a year in foreign aid (vastly more depending on the period, such as over $20 billion in military aid in 2024 so far)[4][5]. The U.S. gives more foreign aid to Israel than any other country in the world, despite the fact Israel is one the wealthiest and financially stable countries in the world.

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