mmm mmmm dumb watso is slowly coming to understand what wars are all about ..
mmm mmm silly watso used to think that the ukraine conflict was all about democracy/freedom blah blah blah blah and even more blah blah blah blah blah blah blae blah
in relation to the china threat/conflict .. it is more than obvious now, that australia is the first part of AUKUS .. with the sole intention of destroying china and forcing them to keep buying good australian iron ore (and coal) ..
opium wars are so yesterday ... iron ore whore is today
those chinkies better learn their place (ie at the bottom) in the american world based order... and geriatric fatso watso is ready to go into battle to support our american friends ..
pic below is watso preparing to be another american hero (eg john wayne)
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mmm mmmm dumb watso is slowly coming to understand what wars are...
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