Russia has wanted to be treated as an equal partner in the new...

  1. 6,174 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    Russia has wanted to be treated as an equal partner in the new relationship between them and the West since 1990s. Russia was ready for a full integration with the West and Putin fully supported that. Once they realised that the West was treating them as a handicapped child, things have changed dramatically.

    Add few international interventions by the USA where Russia’s opposition to those was laughed at, you get a picture of what Russia started seeing in the West.

    Putin could have done what he did in 2022 at any time since 2014, but he gave the West a benefit of doubt and what Russia did in 2022 was as a last resort.

    You believe what you want to believe, but to completely dismiss that the USA foreign policy and NATO intention to welcome Ukraine as a member at some point in time in the future had nothing to do with the events from 2022, is laughable.

    You don’t believe that the kid that shot Trump acted alone, do you? The mainstream media says so, so it must be true, right? Cheers.
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