Russia Ukraine war, page-230612

  1. 38,471 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 502
    speaking of China ....russias freind without limmits .....that ctually DOES have limmits on the freindship ............has ,I believe , potentialy much to gain from this war .

    They have russia over a barrel on OP , but have refused a second gas pipeline .....they don't wish to become dependant on Chinese gas and find themselves at some stage dependant on russia ......why not ,close freinds aren't they ????
    I'll come back to that !*

    The primary objective is to see the west defeated in Ukraine and a precedent set for China to invade Taiwn also ......has been a disappointment for China in that respect ......russia have underperformed and their weapons have underperformed ......this cautions against Chinese risk taking in Taiwan .

    * A secondary objective I believe could well be for China to regain that territory in Manchuria that russia took from them a century and a half back .
    This could only happen if russia was in turmoil and very weak ......everyone knows just how devious the Chinese can be and I wouldn't put it past them to encourage russia to fail economicaly and poilticialy so they can mop up that territory can bet China hasn't forgotten !

    One thing is for sure .....China will follow what they perceive as their own best interest and acheivable .....and sentiment won't be allowed to get in the way of that in the least part .
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