You make assumptions about me that are totally wrong. And you...

  1. 526 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 41
    You make assumptions about me that are totally wrong. And you know why? Because you're so indoctrinated and blinded by the Cold War propaganda they smothered your brain with growing up, you're no longer capable of making a rational judgment about these matters.

    Let me enlighten you on how I see it. (1) I wouldn't give you 2 cents for the political systems currently operating in Russia/China/America/EU/UK/Australia. None! Let me repeat, NONE ARE Democracies? Democracy is a very simple idea. Indeed, its one of those few concepts that when someone challenges you and says "Define what you mean by..." You can define it with relative ease and hardly any ambiguity; "Democracy is majority rule". What the majority decides is what we do.

    And yet nowhere in the world is there anything even closely approximating a democracy. Instead in the West, what they do is give you these stupid elections every few years, just to keep you amused. To make you think you have a role in the decision-making process when in fact you have no role. Its all been decided and while the world is heading full speed ahead towards Nuclear WW3, the Australian population is primarily talking about "The Voice" or "Gay marriage", which in reality has nothing to do with substance and is essentially about symbolism. They love to embroil us in symbolic gestures but nothing about substance.

    Successive Australian Governments have invited and allowed the Americans to establish military bases in Northern Australia. Those bases make us a nuclear target; a life and death issue for most Australians. But do you remember being asked whether we wanted to make ourselves a nuclear target? China is our most important trading partner. The livelihood of most Australians will be seriously affected if China stops trading with China. Why are we sticking our nose in the Taiwan issue and is it worth is going to war with China.,even if not a nuclear war? But you weren't asked. No Australian is asked. Why? Because its an important issue and we dont get to decide important issues in this Great democracy of ours.

    So when you start telling me one system is better than the other and the best system just so happens to be the system your living in where you have been constantly told since childhood that everyone else is evil and we're good, I think 1984 man.

    (2) what you got to understand is that our system is better in some respects and its worse in others,but whats common to all of them is its totally in the control of a Ruling Elite who make all the decisions (be it in China/Russia/America/UK/EU/Australia) according to whats in their best interests.

    (3) Right now, what's NOT in the interests of 99% of the Australian population is taking sides in this looming Nuclear WW3 just to preserve the hegemony of the American Empire. It was a war we didn't have to have and was totally provoked by America because its stuck in the Thucydides trap.

    Oh and you need to stop censoring yourself and have a close look at the internet where lots of people are posting vids and blogs about their move to Russia/China, what they like about it, what they don't and what we've been told about it is true and untrue. Personally, if I was younger I would certainly consider living in Russia/China to decide for myself where they're better and where they're worse than the West,
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