....and yet ......ever hear of anyone leaving economic hardship...

  1. 42,485 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 509
    ....and yet ......ever hear of anyone leaving economic hardship in Europe to head to russia ?????

    you are in big denial about which countries are actually popular to live in .
    All these immigrants at the Finnish border .....they don't want to stay in russia ?? Hell , wh would ?

    Yep , there was big cost to the west chopping off russ gas .....but they were able to do it still .....does illustrate something ......MOOK always says there is no room for morality in world affairs .....but Europe stuck up for democratic governemnt in Ukraine by making significant sacrifice ......but even then , inflation not a big problem most European countries .....as it REALLY IS in russia .....FFS .....18% official interest rates and the russ head of their reserve bank says won't be enough to stop russ inflation .......
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