I think the Good Guys in this forum might be missing one...

  1. 794 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 52
    I think the Good Guys in this forum might be missing one important clue about why the evil USA/NATO/EU/UK/Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Evil) are continually escalating without the slightest concern about the billions of people they're about to murder in the coming Nuclear War (Go figure - In another breath they'll pontificate about what a monstrous killer Stalin was - Pot, Kettle, Black anyone LOL).

    The reason why is because the Evil is on autopilot. Yes, they have been Workshoping and War-Gaming this Superpower game of chicken since the Cold War started and right now they're going through the motions that their Game-Plan dictates. With each Russian military success (bringing Russia closer to victory in the war) the Evil ups the anti according to the next step that the Game-Plan dictates. And if the enemy DOES NOT retaliate to the Evil crossing the Enemy's red line,the gameplan says, now escalate with the next step. And on it goes until the enemy surrenders or Nuclear WW3 starts.

    That I think is where we're at. The Evil will continue to escalate to nuclear war because there's nowhere in the Evil's gameplan that says "Now Surrender because the enemy means business and the next step will lead to nuclear war".

    This is where human intervention comes in. Russia also has its own gameplan of course BUT Putin hasn't followed through with his threats when the Evil crossed his red lines, meaning Putin has stopped playing by his game plan (the human element) whereas the Evil is and the Evils game plan says that when the enemy doesn't follow through we up the anti because they're weak and letting their human reluctance to murdering billions of people take priority over winning.

    That's where we're at I believe. There IS NOT one human being in the leadership of the Evil that (like Putin) will override the gameplan to prevent Nuclear WW3.
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