As i keep on saying and you keep ignoring ......we have no RIGHT of sphere of influence there ....we gain what we have via aid not aggression
russia is trying to gain a sphere of influence in Ukraine via aggression and conquest which you fully support ....Oz doesn't start going further wrt to China ....though there is much I COULD say simply getting off topic
times have changed from days of empire and putin need to adjust
did you read what I said about putins modelling himself on Peter the great and not really understanding the man ? He built St Petersburgh from a swamp ....he spent a couple of years travelling western Europe to learn hands on western technologies of the day He builty a fleet from scratch ...called GREAT because he was ......but all putin can see is a conquerer ......and the things that were aceptable back then are not accpetable now .
putin is three hundred years behind the times and the way he has allowed russ technology to degrade and encouraged good minds to leave russia is a disgrace and a disaster for russia no way anything like the man he tries to emulate .