never forget the american diplomat ie Zbigniew Brzezinski......

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    never forget the american diplomat ie Zbigniew Brzezinski... back in the 1990's he wrote a book called the The Grand Chessboard .. and he warned about a combined china, iran and russia becoming friendly ... lol lol and it takes a special sort of genius to push these disparate countries together .. and that is genius of the american neo cons and presidents ..

    the following from april 2021 (watso only did a very quick internet search.. but interesting to see what has happened since ) ..

    US ignores Brzezinski’s warning, faces dilemma

    The late renowned US geopolitical thinker Zbigniew Brzezinski made an insightful and exclusive analysis of geopolitical patterns in his famous book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives.

    Many of his judgments still have vitality today. Brzezinski pointed out in his book that "Potentially, the most dangerous scenario would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, and perhaps Iran, an 'antihegemonic' coalition united not by ideology but by complementary grievances." His warnings against US diplomacy have once again garnered much attention in recent days.

    However, if we look deeper into Brzezinski's point of view, perhaps we shouldn't focus too much on whether it has, or will, come true or not. Brzezinski himself held onto the belief that such "contingency" was remote. In fact, what he really wanted to convey by issuing such a warning is that the US shouldn't make enemies everywhere and bring ruin upon itself.

    Brzezinski wrote, Eurasia is the "chessboard on which the struggle for global primacy continues to be played," where there are many "geostrategic players" and "geopolitical pivots." He added, "How the United States both manipulates and accommodates the principal geostrategic players on the Eurasian chessboard and how it manages Eurasia's key geopolitical pivots will be critical to the longevity and stability of America's global primacy." In the view of Brzezinski, China and Russia are classified into geostrategic players, while Iran is one of the geopolitical pivots. This can illustrate the importance of the three countries

    watso was thinking that his good mate @tangs was the font of all wisdom - but this ziggy guy seems to know a thing or two ..

    anyway, the above was written in 2021 - and even though ziggy, in his book (published in 1997), thought that there was very little chance of of a iran/china/russia coalition .. it has happened ..

    and then throw in BRICS - where iran is now a member
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