"chechnya - de jure part of russia. was never recognized as an...

  1. 5,348 Posts.

    "chechnya - de jure part of russia. was never recognized as an independent state." - Russia was "de jure" forced to recognise it afte Russia was defeated in a war against Chechnya.

    "afghanistan - cia was heavily involved in arming and training taliban (the main force that russia was fighting against. the same force that kicked usa out of afghanistan ironically)" - History not your strong point Lady404? The Taliban didn't form until 1994, about 14 years after the Soviets were humiliated by the Afghanis. But sure buddy, the CIA was arming the Taliban. To add, the "multicultural" Soviets murdered 500k Afghanis, the CIA helping a country depose a brutal fascist occupation regime that murdered half a million innocent people, as the CIA did against the Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, is a good thing. Or do you think the Soviets mass murder of 500k Afghanis was a good thing and trying to prevent that was the bad thing?

    "georgia - georgian army commited an act of provocation and attacked russian peace keepers." - Wrong. Completely wrong. Are you trying to lie or you just had no idea about what happened? A conflict started within Georgia's own borders because Russian backed forces attacked Georgian forces on August 7th as a deliberate provocation to instigate a response from Georgia. There was no unprovoked attack on Russian peace keepers as you falsely stated.

    "syria - the russian forces are there legally, at the legal request of the syrian government. unlike us army" - So trying to prevent the slaughter of innocent people, like the 200k innocent Syrians Putin helped Assad murder is worse than the mass murder itself, according to you? THat's quite shocking to hold a view like that, being the second time you've expressed outrage at trying to prevent mass murder rather than outrage at the massmurder itself. So what do you say about the Russian army being in Ukraine against the will of the Ukrainian nation? Hypocritical much?
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