PS: A unified Europe is the best defence against Russia in the...

  1. 22,906 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    PS: A unified Europe is the best defence
    against Russia in the longer term and
    Europeans here realise that the US
    would drop Europe in a flash should
    its own economy fail and there is
    indications of that happening now
    with over 20 years of debt accrual/budget deficits
    and no indication of respite as per the current
    Presidential electioneering.

    I was in the pub last week where
    the locals commune (no tourists except me)
    and the conversation
    got around to the USA's attitude towards
    the EU and US tariffs against European
    products . The attitude was that by the US
    strongly backing Brexit that that was
    evidence it wanted the EC/ECB
    demolished also leaving individual European
    countries dependant on the US economically
    and, via US led NATO, dependant on the USA
    for national security.

    Being an outsider I listened mute thinking that
    they were talking about Aus and our economic
    and Security dependance on the USA. (we couldn't
    float the AUD without US permission which included
    divesting Aus SOEs.)

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