Factual statements generally don't start with "which appear to...

  1. 1,018 Posts.

    Factual statements generally don't start with "which appear to show".

    tangs is trying to spin the narrative, that Yanukovich, with the help of allegedly Russia-trained Ukrainian Special Forces deliberately escalated the violence, which resulted in Yanukovich being ousted.

    Those of you that are somewhat familiar with a history of US-backed coups will know that "mysterious snipers" is the most vital ingredient in any coup/revolution where USA stands to benefit the most from.

    None of this is relevant though. Yanukovich and the opposition eventually signed a deal, which was broken by one of the neo-nazi groups (headed by Dmytro Yarosh), that spearheaded the protests and was actually responsible for the escalation of violence. The EU foreign ministers, that acted as guarantors for that deal, said and did absolutely nothing.

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