"Don't forget that the escalation of the conflict happened...

  1. 40,909 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 508
    "Don't forget that the escalation of the conflict happened straight after a US-backed coup and a violent overthrow of Yanukovich"

    he knows the false narrative as well as you do in your echo chamber
    UNTRUE .....UNSUPPORTED ....THE VIOLENCE WAS BY THE POLICE ...no violence was directed at yanukoivc .....who DID abscond ith Ukrainian cash

    Ukraine's chief prosecutor has accused Viktor Yanukovich of heading a mafia-style syndicate whose crimes cost the former Soviet republic up to $100 billion and said some of the stolen money was now being used to fund Russian-backed separatists

    the most dishonest and corrupt leader they ever had by a long way ....he had try to escape with the money by air from Kyiv previously

    now if you need more on this let me know .....I have plent yo faccurate detail for you

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