Using Deepstate...

  1. 4,684 Posts.
    Using Deepstate Maps:

    Keeping things in perspective.

    Let's look at a map of 2 years of Russia's attempt to conquer Ukraine.

    Territory control as of Sep 22. 2022:

    Territory control as of Sep 22. 2024:

    2 years later and simply unforgiveable Russian losses later, does anyone see a difference?

    If you squint super hard enough you might see.

    Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been nothing but an abysmal failure.

    In 2 years of Putin throwing everything he can at Ukraine, losing hundreds of thousands of Russian dead, hundreds of thousands more Russian injured, 10's of thousands of Russian vehicles destroyed/damaged/captured, US$322m per day wasted, all to occupy an additional 6294k sq kms (Kursk territory liberated by Ukraine not included). That's approx. 1% of Ukraine in 2 years of full on war against Ukraine using everything Russia has available.

    The hype from the pro war pro Kremlin sources of months of "this town is about to fall" and having to repeat that for every single tiny Ukrainian town just shows how pathetic, how much of a total, complete and utter failure Putin's war on Ukraine has been. So many years of cope "Russian breakthrough" YouTube videos and the reality could not be worse for Russia.

    Taking just the territory captured in 2 years on its own already shows a total, complete and utter failure of a war by Putin. Then if you add the Russian losses on top, the failure only becomes more stark and simply an unforgivable waste for accomplishing nothing.

    Luckily Russian lives count for nothing so the pro-war pro Kremlin side can keep sacrificing those Russians to keep Putin's failed war going in the desperate hope Ukraine will give up.

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