Why do you denegrate others...you must have had bullying...

  1. 22,915 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    Why do you denegrate others...you must have had bullying parents...eh?

    Sure Moscow reported a drop in Kamaz sales in the first half of 2024
    and you believe that.. If so can we accept that you believe other
    Moscow reports on this war . If not then like an amateur propagandist
    you cherrypick the info and then spin it.

    Even if it were true that a Russian truck manufacturer reported a half year
    drop in sales (and if you believe the Ukrainian report that there was a major fire
    at the manufacturer's plant in April ) does mean for you that this is evidence
    that Russia is loosing the war?

    As I pointed out to you above, there was a general slump in HD truck sales
    in the USA towards the end of 2023. did that mean also to you that the US
    economy was & likely to be knackered.

    It becomes evident to others, IMO, when you get abusive towards other
    posters that you have lost the argument.

    I guess if you believe the Moscow report on Kamaz , then you'll likely
    believe the report below (which conflicts your assumption re Kamaz)
    that the Russian economy has grown at ha higher rate than the West
    for the first Qtr 2024:


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