they SELL the arms .....not waste them in Ukraine ...apart from...

  1. 42,416 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 509
    they SELL the arms .....not waste them in Ukraine ...apart from the relative small portion they gift to Ukraine ....mainly old stuff

    but the GDP of the US is about 17 times that of russia and arms manufacturing not as big a slice of GDP as for russia

    And I never said it shouldn't be included in GDP .....I was just saying it isn't helpful at ll to russias economy which is exactly correct ...cost with no benefit

    it's YOU brought up GDP and is fixated on it .....not me !
    you tried to use it as an arguement that russ economy was healthy .....LOL
    a rouble the chinese banks don't want to touch .....12% inflation .....19% official interest rates but neutral Mook wants to argue russ economy is great !
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