Below is part of an interview by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano of...

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    Below is part of an interview by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano of Jeffrey D. Sachs on the sidelines of the major speeches last week in the UN.

    it's running on Pearls & Irritations weekly, John Menadue's public policy journal.

    interestingly, Sachs said Ukraine's Zelensky was in the US to help coax the US into WWIII.

    AMAZING THAT Australia is nothing more than a US stooge now, with Albanese, Wong and Marles pretty much under direct US orders. Imagine the idiocy of Australians fighting another war in Europe because once again they were told to.

    So sad and sickening to see the complete Labor sellout to the ever belligerent sepo military.

    Pearls & Irritations:

    "Napolitano: Here’s the clip of what I think you probably heard earlier this morning from President Biden at the general assembly of the United Nations: “Biden: So at my direction America stepped into the breach providing massive security and economic and humanitarian assistance and our NATO allies and partners and 50-plus nations stood up as well, but most importantly the Ukrainian people stood up. I ask the people of this chamber to stand up for them. The good news is Putin’s war has failed and his core aim. He set out to destroy Ukraine but Ukraine is still free.” Bit absurd isn’t it that he’s still making an argument that Putin failed?

    "Sachs: Well, it’s just a pack of lies, misstatements, misrepresentations of history. President Biden was involved when he was vice-president in the overthrow of the Ukrainian government in 2014, that’s the start of the war. Of course, they don’t want to talk about that. The idea that Putin’s war has failed or that Putin wanted to take over Ukraine is absolutely absurd for anyone that follows more than the propaganda of the US government. What Putin wanted is that NATO not enlarge and admit Ukraine and that Ukraine honour the Minsk 2 agreement which was negotiated between Ukraine and the regions of eastern Ukraine for autonomy for those ethnically Russian regions. Those were Putin’s two demands, those were agreed in March 2022 and then the United States stopped the agreement. So what President Biden said there is not true, period. It’s a misrepresentation that has enabled a war that is bringing us closer to nuclear war. We need the truth, we need to understand the history, we need to understand how this war needs to end in order to be safe."
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