Hitler has des Niebelung and the mythic German heroes to support...

  1. 41,236 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 508
    Hitler has des Niebelung and the mythic German heroes to support his nazism .

    Dugin and putin have "Hyperborea" ......a Greek myth of a fertile land beyond the Arctic where an ancient and powerful people lived .....and Dugin saw russia as somehow their inheritors ......his book The Arktos (Arctic) was required reading for all military intel people and KGB /FSB .
    Indioctrination into the idea that somehow rusisa has a special destiny and that they are destined to rule their neighbours .

    we don't see the US invading Mexico or Canada .....but since WW2 most if not all of russias neighbours have had trouble with rsussia "encroaching' - invading - or attempting to control /bully .
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