Russia Ukraine war, page-241338

  1. 5,899 Posts.

    Let's unpack a couple of your lies Mook.

    "the Ukraine lost Crimea immediately"

    That is a lie. Ukraine didn't lose Crimea, it wasn't a set of car keys they misplaced, Russia invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea. Lies benefit no one Mook, stop making them.

    "the start of the Civil War in Donbas"

    Another straight up lie. No shame or what Mook? This was a war instigated by Russia. Funded, armed, controlled by the Kremlin. Lies benefit no one Mook, stop making them.

    What is the difference between 2013 and now Mook? Go on say it, criticise your fascist hero Putiun for starting a war against Ukraine, you can do, you can show a tiny bit of actual neutrality for once.

    Your attempts to shield Russia and avoid at all costs mentioning their responsibility for invading Ukraine exposes your other lie that you claim you are a "neutral" voice. Lies benefit no one Mook, stop making them.

    No off you go, give me your unsolicited opinion, call me a bigot and then complain that others are mean and call you names.

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