so's OK for russia to threaten the west with nukes...

  1. 42,485 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 509
    so's OK for russia to threaten the west with nukes merely because the west give weapns to Ukraine to defend themselves from attacks launched within russia ???

    seems you are blaming the west for what russia are doing ......endangering a more wodespread conflict

    russia are already sending NK and Iranian missiles into Ukraine .....why can't Ukraine be allowed a simialr privelege ....oh I forgot ....the "double standardssw rule"

    here's more ......russia aided both North Korea and North Vietnam with weapons DIRECTLY USED against US troops in those respective wars ......but I never heard a US threat to nuke russia for that !

    you seem to lose all rationality when it comes to russia .....anything russia does - you justify's russia (and you) threatening an expansion of trhis conflict ....the US has been cautious to avoid that .....IMO far too cautious giving russia an unfair advantage they should not have .
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