Russia Ukraine war, page-241555

  1. 42,485 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 509
    putins excuse for this war of Ukraine being "hypermilitarised" was just completely ludicrous ........however , the russian threat has made it imperative that Ukraine make it ......very belatedly if not true still least closer to the truth .

    so many of putins aims in this war have been acheived and his war in effect counterproductive to these aims .

    H esought to weaken NATO too .....but strengthened it .
    He sought to improve russias strategic position ......but again , this time hugely , weakened it .
    He sought prestige for russia and her military ......but gained embarrasment .

    And in the process completely ruined russias most profitable trade and her economy and depleted decades worth of military stockpiles and worsened their demographc problem by removing the best part of a generation of russ men .

    History will remember this war as a complete disaster for russia every way !

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