I am glad that Russia generally (yes, there are exceptions)...

  1. 8,928 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    I am glad that Russia generally (yes, there are exceptions) treat the opposing side fairly well.

    It is obvious that either they understand that Ukrainians are being used as NATO's pawns, or there is an underlying sense of camaraderie from the Russians toward their fellow east slavs, or simple sympathy for people trying to struggle through the suicidal decisions of their leader.

    Or it could be Russian forces acting in this way to further their interests. By spending 2 years patiently dealing with Ukraine's forces, it has allowed some of us around the world to realise why they are doing what they are doing. Fighting a proxy war against NATO.

    I have also told you once before (or maybe it was @tangs I can't recall) that I would stop posting "if it is found that Russia is responsible for [what the atrocity of the day was]". In that instance, it wasn't Russia.
    Last edited by Okceg: 04/10/24
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