Russia Ukraine war, page-242246

  1. 42,485 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 509
    none opf these thiongs are known for sure but there are indications ....high inflation , 19% official interest rates .....that future fund that has been finacning the war at the current rate will be gone in a year ...we do know that ......and oil prices are fairly low and with Saudi increasing supply will go lower so russia have money problemss

    no ....I never said russia were going to run out of rockets in 2022 fact I never said they were going to run out of rockets at all so don't verbal me ......what I did say was that at some point russia wouldn't have enough rockets ......that point was reached last year when they had to buy NK missiles and now Iranian missiles .

    It's actually your mindless faith in russia that's crap ...not my analysis which is being shown correct in many ways ....the ammo and missiles and the economy .
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