The population of Ukraine has declined rather sharply since 1992...

  1. 8,975 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 942
    The population of Ukraine has declined rather sharply since 1992 when there were 51.78 mill people.

    A gradual decline since to a current figure stated as 38,75mill.

    Apart from the war why have so many people left as in 2021 there were 43,53 mill there and then a sharp drop to 39.7mill the following year:

    Thus more than 20% people left Ukraine since 1992 - perhaps to seek a better life elsewhere or to get away from the 'trusted' political regime/instability?

    Trusting governments may not be such a good idea - many may not have their own interests lined up with it's own peoples'. If people choose to vote for actors, singers or clowns then in the end they may be left red nosed - or even dead. what.png
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