Yep. USA didnt steal any of Iraqis land. But half a million of...

  1. 3,005 Posts.
    Yep. USA didnt steal any of Iraqis land. But half a million of them died.


    Because some politician dude shook a beaker containing some powder in one of them political meetings. Pretending that the beaker proved the fact Iraq had WMD's.
    Which they didnt.

    The beaker was a fake.

    Around half a million Iraqi's died after

    For No Reason
    And that is just one of many examples of how USA elites manipulate people into believing in certain things.

    I asked you a question. Many questions which you forgot to answer.

    1. How many military interventions did Russia initiate since 1991 (US initiated 251)? Please support your claims with links to sources.
    2. How many regime changes has the Russian Federation was implicated in (as opposed to USA)? Please support your allegations with links to sources.
    3. Which part of the Ukrainian Constitution prohibits Presdiential elections from being held during martial law? Please quote with a link to source.
    4. Which part of the Ukrainian Constitution allowed for Yanukovich to be ousted the way he was? Please quote. With a link to source.
    5. Where exactly did I say that Ukraine was nazi? Please provide a screeshot if that post.

    Pretty straightforward questions. What are the chances that you will answer all of them directly withou whataboutisms, deflections and other rhetorical trickeries?


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