No it's not .It was not in any way initiated by the west and no...

  1. 42,485 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 509
    No it's not .
    It was not in any way initiated by the west and no western country is fighting in it .

    All the proxy wars previously have had much more US and western power involvement .

    I'd charachterise this as a "just war" on the part of Ukraine and that is the main reason it's being supported - not the only reason , I'm sure the fact that the aggrressor is an old enemy encourages the response .

    But it is interesting to see what efforts are being used - by the west , the efforts are more economic than military .
    It's almost carrot and stick , supply Ukraine and withold from Russia .
    Partly because of the nukes but I sense amongst developed countries a move away from warfare is happening and sanctions are an alternative to the brutality of conflict for them .
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