Russia Ukraine war, page-26784

  1. 2,677 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 47

    Seriously M8 go and do some actual research on the whole situation from the start, jeeze not even from the start, just go back to 2014 and the Maidan to get just a little bit of perspective on why this is happening, go and take a good hard look at the videos of ethnic Russians being burnt alive or beaten to death or shot as they tried to escape being burnt to death (mind you you wont find it on Youtube any more).
    Go have a listen to Victoria Nuland and American Ambassador Pyatt discussing who will become the next President of Ukraine and what they think of the EU at the time.
    All of this information is out there, it's quite easy to go and look at and read for yourselves yet you sycophants seem unable to get past the Russia, Russia, Russia diatribe you have so seemingly swallowed hook line and sinker.
    FFK's sake, just take a good hard look at what you are being sold, Ukraine is winning against big bad Russia.... But we still need to pour billions of more Taxpayers Dollars and Arms from across the West into Ukraine, Russia is being crippled by our sanctions, yet Russia is earning Billions daily from Gas and Oil sales from the European Union and America is still buying Russian oil. Russian armaments are not able to keep up yet the U.S is still unable to meet Russian Hyper-sonic Missile Tech which could wipe out the U.S Navy within hours.
    There is some major Cognitive Dissonance going on with a whole lot of people here. The West over recent decades has pivoted to a whole lot of stuff that does not really matter. Flight suit's for pregnant Women, Unisex Toilets in High schools, Alphabet gendering in Primary Schools and a never ending sense of Guilt for being who we are as a culture. A culture which based on a Judeo Christian Culture has give the whole of the planet a civilization the people of the Earth have never before experienced at least in the West and that has been evidenced by a never seen before exodus in recent decades from those "not" living in a Western society towards such Western Societies.

    And now it seems that TPTB want to collapse all that as their never ending yearning for control and need for dominance is at risk, I shouldn't need to educate people about Bretton Woods nor the loss of the Gold backed dollar, the Farce which was the War On Iraq with Collen Powell's little white flask at the U.N, the outrage that Central Bank's attack Country's like Libya or Syria with all the might of the collective like the Borg, the efforts that the collective world media go to, to control not just the story's being told in the media but also the actual process of voting in so called free democratic Countries, Just to witness that go take a look at 2000 Mules just released. Go take a look at the Hunter Biden laptop story, go take a look at the Russia, Russia, Russia Democrat set up perpetrated by not just the Democrats but the whole of the media for over three years and the fake Impeachments based upon it. All while Bidens Son was smoking parmigiana cheese and getting paid 60 K U.S a year while sleeping with his dead brothers wife and posting foot jobs on line.... Just Imagine if that was Donald Jr people ????

    So here we are, Ukraine is winning biggly, but need never ending armaments just cause, They are beating Russia but still need Billions in support and more weapons because they are winning and beating Russia. All the mainstream media are telling you that Ukraine is beating Russia and that Russia is failing and dying like fly's, but Ukraine needs billions in support and urgently needs more soviet style older weapons, and planes, and tanks etc.... But they are winning... and just need more money and armaments.

    Meanwhile news is leaking out about NATO/US info being passed to Ukraine Military about the tracking and tracing of Russian Top Brass and Navy movements.... Is that not an act of WAR ? Some of you will say No, until Russia takes offensive action and puts an end to it.

    Read carefully and take this post in full, the history of this war is very long and involved and in my informed opinion should not involve us in Australia at all, if we were more aware we would have been more involved in the Solomon Islands and PNG a decade back rather than where we are now.

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