Russia Ukraine war, page-36653

  1. 38,085 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 501
    you're suggesting as a precedent for Donbas going to Russia, I presume , as a deal to end the war .
    Do take your point and has some merit except there are a few differences between the Finnish situation and the Ukranian one .

    1.This isn't the first "bite" by Russia , Crimea already gone !
    2. Finns as far as I know didn't get the support internationally that Ukraine is getting .
    3.Zelensky has said Nyet to Russia about ceding territory .

    Th similarity is that the Finns and Ukranians rather spirited determined people and both invaded without cause .
    The other thing to bear in mind more broadly is rewarding an invader with land for doing it sets a bad precedent - as Crimea did !
    Effectively kicks the can down the road inviting the next foray crimea did and which is why Europe are so supportive of Ukraine .
    Some countries see themselves as potentially next in the line .

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